Sunday, July 18, 2010

School's Out Forever...

Well not really, but I am finished with my Masters!

I started the masters program in January 2009 and wrapped it up this past week. So I now have my Master's in Reading. It was a great program and I learned a lot of beneficial information I can use with my students, but I'm so happy to finally have my life back. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010


Welcome to "The Lowry's...seasoned with love" blog. :)

I had originally created this blog so I could send my graduate professor some videos (too large to send in an email) for one of my classes. After some convincing from my older and wiser sister (she was a life saver and helped me put the videos on a DVD instead) I have decided to keep the blog and continue to update it.

Now I thought to myself...Emily, what are you going to blog about? You don't have any children or pets. Then in hit me...from September-June I have 25 children (first grade students) who love to tell stories, pick their noses, make up jokes, give hugs, and explain in detail their parents' bad habits. I can't wait to share my experiences with all of you.

Again welcome to Chris and my blog. I'm excited to keep you posted on our busy and exciting lives.