Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quinn Lee Lowry

My due date was set for March 2, 2012. At around 34 weeks, Dr. Taylor told me I was still on track for delivering him/her in early March, but when he/she comes it would be really fast.  Little did I know it would be almost a month early and REALLY fast!  

It was February 7th and I was ready to tackle another day with my fourth graders. The day flew by, by the end of the day I started to get flu like symptoms. I got sick in the parking lot leaving school and was thankful no one was around to see it happen. I was actually on my way to see Dr. Taylor for my 36 week appointment so I wasn't too concerned. Dr. Taylor said everything looked great and he/she was really low, but right on track to be delivered in a couple weeks.

For the next 5 hours I was hugging the toilet. I remember Chris calling Dr. Taylor and asking him if we should be concerned. Dr. Taylor said it was flu season and there was nothing to worry about. So we went about our night, I laid on the couch while Chris and our good friend Steph (who was living with us every Tuesday night) ate dinner and watched T.V. They kept asking me what I thought of the show. I was like, really? I don't care, I'm dying here. Little did we know Baby Lowry had different plans for us that night.

We were heading off to bed when my stomach started to hurt a little. I was a hot mess and also thought my water had possibly broke, but couldn't be too sure because I had been sick all day. I told Chris I was going to bed because I knew it would make me feel better. He took one look at me and said, "grab your bags, we're going to the hospital". I thought what a waste of time and money. I was fine and needed my sleep for work tomorrow. Well...Chris won and we were on our way to hospital.

They wheeled me to the birthing floor when we arrived at the hospital. At this point I'm still complaining about the time we were wasting there when I could be asleep at home. Chris still wanted to have things checked out. It was 11:00 pm. We sat in a room for the next 30 minutes. No nurses, No doctors. All of a sudden I started to get very painful cramps. Chris yelled out into the hallway "I think we're having a baby in here if anyone cares"?   In rushed our doctor and he said it was go time. The head was right there. This was the first time it hit me, I was going to have the baby tonight. Not on March 2nd, not next week, right now.  10 minutes later our beautiful baby boy was here.                              

Quinn Lee Lowry
 Tuesday, February 7, 2012
 11:40 pm 
 6 lbs 12 oz  20 inches long

                                                  Proud Mommy and Daddy

                                                                   My boys

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